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Monday, December 26, 2016

['s bottle] cmd2 ( Solved. 16.12.26 )

# Problem

: I think this problem is similar to cmd1. The problem is as follows.

 '' Daddy bought me a system command shell. But he put some filters to prevent me from  playing with it without his permission... but I wanna play anytime I want!''

# How To solve

 : First, connect the server -p2222 (pw : flag of cmd1 )
 then, check the program source code. 

When I look at the source code, I can see that it filters out some characters. I decided to use the environment variable I used in cmd1. I also decided to use the following attributes to use the / character.

The first code I think is:  
./cmd2 '$(echo /)bin$(echo /)cat flag 
However, I change the ascii code for the /, which is filtered here.
./cmd2 '$(echo "\57")bin$(echo "\57")cat flag
And the character "flag" was changed using an environment variable.
The result is as follows.

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