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Monday, December 26, 2016

[low] HTML Injection - Stored (Blog)

# Introduction

BWAPP → Low→ HTML Injection - Stored (blog)

# Training

: The ''htmli_stored.php'' page is a  blog format.

Therefore, It is possible to save HTML tags so that the administrator can output unintended contents. Or When type in the text field on the blog and click [Go], Transfer the input and move to another page. 

The contents of the exercise are as follows.
 : Moving from htmli_stored.php to htmli_post.php using a text field.

First, copy the page format from htmli_post.php to use the htmli_post.php page format.

When fetching page formates, It's easy to import using the web developer tools in browser.

Put this code in the textfield and click [submint] to add it.

When user enter data in both fields and press [Go], the user moves to the page.

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