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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

[Hacker School] FTZ Level7 ( Ver. Eng )


I access the leve7 account and check  the hint. the contents of hint are as follows.

If you run /bin/level7, the output looks like this:

In my system, The /bin/wrong.txt file did not exist int /bin, so I checked it through the internet.

It is said that this output. 
one of the hint is “Can you change the binary number to decimal number?” 
So I think that - is equal to 1 and _ is equal to 0.  then,   --_--_- --____- ---_-__ —__-_- is equal to 1101101 1100001 1110100 1100101.then  changing to the decimal number, I get 4 numbers “ 109, 97, 116, 101 ”.  
When i refer to ASCII code table and look for the character corresponding to each number, I get the word “mate”.

 After executing the program, I can get the level 8 password by typing mate.

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